SSTIKS is an educational symposium dedicated to traditional Arctic kayaking. But it is much more than this. SSTIKS is a gathering of families, a community of people with a shared passion for the traditional roots of kayaking. With SSTIKS, we have created something special and truly unique in the North American kayaking scene. As we continue to develop SSTIKS and refine the event to meet emerging needs, we will continue those aspects of SSTIKS that make it special; that is, we will keep SSTIKS “SSTIKSish.”
What is this new word “SSTIKSish”? We all know what “SSTIKSish” means, though no formal definition was ever written down … until now.
SSTIKSish: the essence of SSTIKS. The core set of principles that make SSTIKS the special event we have all come to love. These principles include the following:
- SSTIKS is non-commercial. We freely share what we’ve learned. There are “no pedestals”. Everyone has something to contribute. Everyone has something to learn.
- We focus on traditional kayaking, not to romanticize the past but because, for many people, it is better than “modern” kayaking.
- We celebrate traditional kayaking cultures from across the Arctic. We have emphasized the kayaking cultures of Greenland, but we eagerly embrace other traditional kayaking cultures as well.
- At SSTIKS, we welcome all paddlers, both young and old. SSTIKS is all about families sharing a love of kayaking. This has led to our famous kid’s program at SSTIKS.
- SSTIKS is more of a family reunion than a kayaking symposium. It is a community of people joined by a passion for traditional kayaking. Each year, we make sure the schedule includes opportunities for people to get together, socialize, catch up with old friends, and make new friends.
- Communities are built around shared meals. Hence, sharing good food with everyone is an important part of SSTIKS.
- SSTIKS invests in the growth of our volunteers as paddlers, teachers, and coaches. This assures that the community will grow and sustain itself over time.
- SSTIKS is safe. We promote kayak safety fit to the special needs of traditional Arctic watercraft.
- We consider rolling to be a basic rather than an advanced skill. Even people new to kayaking should develop rolling skills.
- We will continuously strive to improve SSTIKS. We don’t want SSTIKS to become stale. We will work each year to keep it fresh and better from one year to the next.
- SSTIKS avoids doing things that are not SSTIKSish.